新关注 > 信息聚合 > 穿越火线双端国际赛圆满落幕,中国领跑FPS电竞


Through international fine wire double end, China's leading FPS e-sports

2017-08-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

8月6日,穿越火线国际邀请赛(CFGI)、穿越火线手游亚洲邀请赛(CFMI)恰逢《穿越火线》(简称CF)九周年庆,由国内顶级的电竞赛事运营商VSPN承制,在上海宝山体育馆圆满落幕,中国代表队SV、AG分获端手游冠军,再次证明在这一电竞项目上中国队伍的实力。 中国战队包揽双端冠亚,继续领航CF全球竞技圈 作为CF竞技圈一直以来的霸主,中国战队夺得此次双端国际大赛冠军其实早在意料之中,即便是手游方面首次对阵国外队伍便能傲视群雄,也未给玩家带来太多惊喜。但值得我们庆贺的是,此次双端赛事不仅冠亚军均由中国军团包揽,国外队伍甚至难以在中国队手上得分,除端游半决赛中SV战队马失前蹄输给菲律宾PM...

August 6, through firewire international invitational (CFGI), through the firewire hand tour Asia invitational (CFMI) coincides with "through wire (CF) JiuZhou years anniversary, the domestic top tournament operator VSPN make grinders, baoshan stadium in Shanghai ended, the Chinese team hand swim champion SV, AG respectively end, once again proved that e-sports projects in the China team's strength. Champions league and the Chinese team won the double end, continue to pilot the CF as CF competitive global competitive circle has always been dominant, the Chinese team won the double side international champion in fact as early as expected, even against foreign tour in hand first team can stand out, also did not bring much surprise to the player. But it is worth us to celebrate the double end event is not only the first two places were swept by the Chinese army, foreign team even hard to hand in the Chinese team scores, in addition to the SV team up to swim the semi-finals in the Philippines PM...