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Look from Zhang Daxian transfer king glory live situation

2017-08-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

为何王者荣耀主播的跳槽会受到如此多人的关注,现在的王者荣耀直播圈现状如何请听小编细细道来。 1. 王者荣耀人气主播跳槽首例 游戏直播在这几年中飞速发展,从开始的斗鱼、虎牙、战旗各种高价挖人,到龙珠、熊猫、企鹅电竞得强势插入,往往挖角的对象都是英雄联盟、刀塔等热门的网络端游,而王者荣耀的人气主播挖角,这是第一次见!这种情况的出现说明王者荣耀已经对传统的竞技直播市场造成了危险,从张大仙跳槽斗鱼,他可能开启王者荣耀主播跳槽的序章。 2. 王者荣耀人气主播太少 总所周知,以英雄联盟和刀塔为例,他们的大主播很多都是曾经的职业选手,如55开、笑笑、pdd、yyf都是退役的职业选手,拥有很强的...

Why king glory anchor job-hopping to be so many people's attention, and now the king of glory live ring current situation how to listen to small make up to be. 1. The popularity of Kings glory live anchor job-hopping's first game in the few years rapid development, from the start, teeth, all kinds of high the banner of the betta poaching, the dragon, the panda, the penguins e-sports strong insert, poaching objects are often the hero alliance, knife tower and other popular online tour, and the popularity of the glory of the host, king see this is the first time! The emergence of this situation that king glory has caused dangerous to traditional sports broadcast market, from Zhang Daxian job-hopping, selectively he may open the king glory anchor job-hopping prologue. 2. King glory sentiment the host too little Known to the hero alliance and knife tower as an example, their big anchor many are former professional player, such as 55 open, smiling, PDD, yyf were retired professional player, has the very strong...

标签: 直播 王者荣耀