新关注 > 信息聚合 > 颠覆传统三国视角《军师联盟》手游今日删档首测


The traditional perspective in The Three Kingdoms "mastermind alliance" mobile game delete files first test today

2017-06-15 00:00:00来源: 人民网

随司马一生,战三国英雄。《大军师司马懿之军师联盟》唯一正版授权手游《军师联盟》今日在安卓平台开启小规模删档首测,本次测试包含应用宝、UC、百度、等12家渠道。《军师联盟》作为一款三国题材的3D-MMO动作手游,将同步还原电视剧情,创新三国题材新玩法,带你一同感受不一样的三国世界。 军师联盟手游宣传主海报 完美还原 同步打造真正影游联动 《军师联盟》手游从立项初始就保持与影视剧创作团队高频率的沟通与交流。游戏中大量的还原了剧中场景,大到“许都”、“皇城”的街道、街景、桥梁、沟壑,小到吴秀波与刘涛的小窝“司马府”。府中大门上的铜环辅首样式,进门后庭院中的树木、假山、花草的位置,都完全依...

Along with life, sima wars of The Three Kingdoms hero. "Mastermind alliance of great strategist sima yi" the only legal authorized mobile game "mastermind alliance" in the android platform to open small today delete file first, the test contains the application treasure, UC, baidu, etc. 12 channels. As one of The Three Kingdoms "mastermind alliance" of 3 d - MMO action mobile game, will restore the TV drama, innovation of the three subjects new play, take you feel not the same with the three countries of the world. Mastermind alliance mobile game poster advertising the perfect reduction synchronous creating real shadow swim linkage "mastermind alliance" mobile game, started from the initial stays and content creation team of high frequency communication and exchanges. Large amount of reduction of the scene in the game, to "xu", "emperor" streets, street, bridge, ravines, small to super wu and liu tao alveolus "SiMaFu". Mansion copper ring on the door in the auxiliary style, after taking the door trees in the garden, rockery, the location of the flowers and plants, all in accordance with the...

标签: 手游