新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《铁甲雄兵》高校文理对抗赛 周五晚八点战旗直播

《铁甲雄兵》高校文理对抗赛 周五晚八点战旗直播

Real soldier "tournament at eight o 'clock Friday night broadcast the banner of the liberal arts colleges and universities

2017-06-15 00:00:00来源: 人民网

千古江山,英雄无觅孙仲谋处。舞榭歌台,风流总被雨打风吹去。斜阳草树,寻常巷陌,人道寄奴曾住。想当年,金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎。 这是出自南宋诗人辛弃疾的《永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古》的上半段,请理科生接下半段……哈哈,抬杠!就是抬杠!来自北京第二外国语学院的LPQ电竞战队与北京理工大学的ICG电竞战队,竟然因“文科生、理科生,谁更适合玩军团竞技策略网游”而大动干戈,直接约战《铁甲雄兵》,时间就定在6月16日(本周五)晚上8点,战旗独家直播这场高校文理约战赛。 据了解,ICG战队创立于2011年,由当时的电竞社社长创办,后在2013年走向巅峰,获得华北赛区冠军,全国八强等成绩,是北京高校知名...

Through the ages, hero no find Sun Zhongmou place. Dance pavilions ge tais, always be to the wind and rain. The setting sun grass trees, ordinary lanes, humanitarian sent slaves had once lived. Think that year, warriors, swallowing Wan Liru tiger. This is from the southern song dynasty poet xin qiji "always meet yue, Beijing north solid pavilion meditate on the first half of the school of science living, please take half... Ha ha, carrying it! Is carrying it! E-sports team from Beijing second foreign languages institute LPQ e-sports teams, with the Beijing institute of technology (ICG unexpectedly because of "arts and science students, who is more suitable for play bianconeri competitive strategy games" and scale, directly about war real soldier ", is scheduled on June 16 (Friday) at 8 PM, exclusive broadcast the banner of the liberal arts colleges and universities about war game. We have learned, ICG team was founded in 2011, founded by e-sports club President at the time, to the peak in 2013, after the north China division championship, such as the eight grades, is famous universities in Beijing...

标签: 直播