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"DOTA2" updated contents in June 2nd

2017-06-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《DOTA2》6月2日进行了更新,主要是修复了一些小的BUG以及显示错误,更新的文件大小约为130MB左右。 1.火女展示时候的面部动画得到修改。 2.天怒20级天赋错误得到修复(应该加40点移动速度而不是20点)。 3.机器人脚本增加了一个新的服务器。 4.风行的隐身BUFF添加了一条技能说明词条-“Unseen but for the hindering gust in your wake”。 5.观战的最高带宽从80000提高到无限制。 6.不朽2和战役地图未推出。

"DOTA2" was updated in June 2nd, mainly to fix some small BUG and display errors, update the file size of about 130MB. The facial animation of the 1. female display is modified. 2. wrath 20 talent error repair (should add 40 point speed instead of 20). 3., the robot script adds a new server. 4. popular stealth BUFF adds a skill description entry - "Unseen, but, for, the, hindering, gust, wake, in, your,"". The maximum bandwidth of 5. spectators increased from 80000 to no limit. 6. immortal 2 and battle maps are not released.

标签: DOTA