新关注 > 信息聚合 > 仙侠神作《剑王朝》率先动画面市,黄子韬献唱主题曲


XianXia god as a "sword" take the lead in animation, tao singing the theme song

2017-04-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

随着视频自制的兴起,各文学IP站上了风口,盗墓、仙侠类等IP所开发的作品屡破网络收看纪录,而各种头部的IP内容也被内容机构哄抢。4月底,又一部仙侠类改编神作在数百万粉丝的注目中即将上线,这部作品就是《剑王朝》。 与《花千骨》、《三生三世十里桃花》这样的热播剧不同,《剑王朝》首先被改编成了动画,而非网络剧,这更有利于小说的原本特色和场面得以忠实呈现。据了解,主导此次《剑王朝》动画化的爱奇艺,也已启动该作品的网剧、游戏和衍生品等全产业开发,不久之后,更多的《剑王朝》作品也将和原作用户以及数亿观众见面。 动漫《剑王朝》于4月26日起,每周三8点更新一集,爱奇艺VIP会员抢先看精彩内容。这是...

With the development of video homemade, each literary IP on the tuyere, grave, XianXia IP developed by network to record breaking work, and all sorts of head of IP content also be content agency plunder. At the end of April, and a class XianXia adapted for god will be launched in the attention of millions of fans, this work is the "sword". And "spend bone", "junior iii miles peach blossom the hit drama," sword dynasty "was first adapted for animation, rather than the network, it is more advantageous to the original characters and scenes to faithfully rendering of the novel. It is understood that dominate the "sword dynasty" animation iQIYI, also has started the work of the net play, games, and derivatives such as the whole development of industry, not long after, more the sword dynasty works will also and the original users as well as hundreds of millions of spectators. Anime "sword" on April 26, update a set, three eight iQIYI VIP member first looks wonderful. This is...