新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魅蓝E2又双叒叕爆料:全新条形闪光灯颜值好高


Spirit's blue E2 and double 叒 叕 fact: new bar flash appearance levels are so high

2017-04-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近期关于魅蓝E2外观的消息可谓是五花八门,单单是真机谍照就有两个版本,然而这还不够!今天,由于微博网友爆料,这才是魅蓝E2的真机谍照,一起来看看到底是怎么回事。 魅蓝E2最美设计 从最新的爆料消息来看,这次魅蓝E2是有史以来颜值最高的一次,也是最靠谱的一次。 这次魅蓝E2将摄像头移到了天线带上,但是并没有删除闪光灯,有人会说没有啊,哪里来的闪光灯,乍一看确是没有,但是细心的网友会发现天线带上有一个一个点,不错,这便是魅蓝E2的闪光灯,魅蓝E2巧妙的将闪光灯隐藏在天线带中,从而达到“删除”的目的,比起此前的一体化摄像头模组,我给10086个赞;而且将摄像头放置天线带上,搭配隐藏闪...

The recent news about spirit's blue E2 appearance is multifarious, is the true machine photos alone, there are two versions, however it is not enough! Today, because weibo netizen has, this is the spirit's blue E2 real machine photos, take a look at what is going on. Spirit's blue E2 best design from the point of the latest news fact, the spirit's blue E2 is the appearance of the highest level ever once, also is one of the most on. The spirit's blue E2 moved to the antenna with the camera, but does not delete the flash, some would say no, where the flash, at first glance it is not, but careful users will find antenna with a one point, well, this is the charm of blue E2 flash, spirit's blue E2 clever hid flashlight in the antenna with, so as to achieve the purpose of the "delete", compared to previous integration camera module, I called 10086 praise; And place the camera antenna, tie-in hidden flash...