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LSPL first week: rev. At the beginning of the season and the team started smoothly

2017-01-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

11月17日,2017《英雄联盟》甲级职业联赛(LSPL)春季赛开打,首个比赛日中,数次冲击LPL资格未果的YM在揭幕战中两局仅用时61分钟即将ING斩落马下,在为自己赢得赛季开门红的同时,也率先掀开了LPL赛区2017年职业赛事争夺的大幕。 在首周四个比赛日的对抗过程当中,本赛季LSPL当中的十二支参赛队伍悉数亮相。而首周比赛战罢,YM、RYL两支传统联赛劲旅以两连胜的战绩展现着他们一如既往的出色竞技实力。此外,DS战队在分别战胜GD与OMD两支队伍之后,也一同暂时排在积分榜首的位置,这支队伍在首周当中的发挥令人惊喜,除了可喜的连胜战绩之外,队内并无大牌选手的情况,更让人们对他们的表...

On November 17, 2017 "hero alliance" serie a league (LSPL) spring open race, the first match day, several times impact LPL qualification failed YM two bureau takes only 61 minutes in the opening game is under ING beating the win the start of the season for oneself at the same time, also was the first to open the LPL conference in 2017, professional sports for the curtain. In the first matchday on Thursday against the process of this season LSPL 12 teams of all. In the first week and home-country crowd, YM, RYL traditional two premiership giants with two straight wins record, as usual, show their great competitive strength. In addition, the DS team in over GD and OMD respectively, after both teams also temporarily in the first place, with the team in the first week of play, in addition to encouraging winning streak record, no big-name players, the team more on their table...