新关注 > 信息聚合 > 本周最佳:策略游戏《推拉英雄》小格局大脑洞


This week: best strategy game "push-pull hero" small big imagination

2017-01-20 23:37:51来源: 任玩堂

好游戏的标准有很多,独特玩法是关键因素。本周苹果商店一口气推荐了7款国产手游,其中,《推拉英雄》拥有细腻的2D卡通画风搭配创新策略玩法,游戏体验本周最佳。同样被推荐的Sky Dancer《天空舞者》拥有精美的场景和不俗的音乐表现,可惜玩法略有不足,有待加强。策略手游《推拉英雄》“如何打造策略性”是一道高分问答题,没有标准答案,考的是脑洞大小。粗暴地划分,脑洞能有两种解读,猎奇是一种,思维发散是另一种。策略游戏《推拉英雄》属于后一种,6×6的小格局棋盘糅合了推箱子和回合制战棋两大要素,玩家移动(推拉)英雄会连带横向或纵向的事物一块移动,其中包括敌我双方和棋盘上的箱子,在限制移动力的前提下,任何操...

Standard there are a lot of good games, unique style is the key factor. Apple store of relief this week recommended 7 domestic mobile game, among them, the push-pull hero having fine 2 d cartoon style is tie-in innovation strategy game, game experience is the best this week. Also recommended Sky Dancer the Sky Dancer has beautiful scene and good music, but play slightly insufficient, needs to be strengthened. Strategy mobile game "push-pull hero" "how to build strategic" is a high question, there is no standard answer, take an examination of size is imagination. Roughly divided, imagination can have two kinds of interpretation, is to see a, divergent thinking is another. Strategy game "push-pull hero" belongs to the latter, the small pattern of 6 x6 combines the pushing and turn-based war chess board two elements, the players move (pull) hero to things a joint horizontal or vertical movement, including both sides and on the board box, on the premise of limit movement, any fuck...

标签: 游戏