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任天堂与苹果深入合作 或许大家真能“双赢”

Nintendo and apple in depth cooperation, perhaps we really can "win-win""

2016-11-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

  上周,任天堂通过官方渠道确认,《超级马里奥跑酷》将会在今年 12 月 15 日正式登陆 App Store,而 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 都将支持该款游戏。与此同时,这款新手游的售价也已经公布——9.99 美元。 早在 9 月份苹果的发布会上,我们就知道任天堂将会与苹果展开一系列非常密切的合作。用分析师的话来说,相信任天堂或者超级马里奥的忠实粉丝都会很乐意支付这 9.99 美元,而这或许是任天堂最重要的一个 iOS App。   尽管之前的《精灵宝可梦GO》已经点燃了市场里的一把火,任天堂的股价还一路飙升了 114% ,不过随着《精灵宝可梦GO》的热度下降,...

Last week, Nintendo confirmed through official channels, "super Mario Parkour" will officially landing in December 15th this year, App Store, and iPhone, iPad and iPod touch will support the game. At the same time, the price of this beginner's swim has been announced - $9.99. As early as the apple conference in September, we knew that Nintendo would launch a series of very close cooperation with apple. In the words of analysts, a loyal fan of Nintendo or super Mario would be happy to pay $9.99, which may be Nintendo's most important iOS App. Although the previous "smart treasure dream GO" has ignited a fire in the market, Nintendo's stock price has soared by 114%, but with the "smart treasure can dream GO" heat drop,...

标签: 苹果 任天堂