新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《问道》手游耗资千万寻人 4月28日全平台公测

《问道》手游耗资千万寻人 4月28日全平台公测

"Asked" mobile game at a cost of tens of millions of people search on April 28, the whole platform open beta

2016-04-15 12:23:15来源: 不凡游戏网


The eagerly anticipated by his friends in the big day is finally coming! On April 28, "asked" mobile game iOS and android platform open beta! At the same time, "asked" mobile game never wanted the station launched today, putting more high value gift bag and must cost, just to help the friend was found that the TA! Dao friends enter wendao.com can open without a plan, as if by predestination, boundless and indistinct sea, if you still can meet again in those days...

标签: 手游