新关注 > 信息聚合 > 要逆天?围棋后AlphaGo欲进军电竞挑战星际争霸


Want to go? Go after AlphaGo e-sports challenge to enter the starcraft

2016-03-11 22:17:37来源: 网易

战电竞AlphaGo还需处理战术等信息,难度远超围棋。 (原标题:谷歌AlphaGo玩儿心不小 或挑战星际争霸) 刚刚战胜了韩国围棋冠军李世石,谷歌AlphaGo可谓信心爆棚,接下来AlphaGo要挑战的是什么项目呢?Deepmind公司已经将目标瞄准了游戏领域,而第一个要挑战的游戏...

E-sports AlphaGo battle tactics also need to handle information, such as difficulty than go. (the original title: Google AlphaGo play heart or challenge starcraft) just go championship victory over South Korea lee se-dol, Google AlphaGo is confident that the next AlphaGo to challenge what is project? Deepmind company is targeting the game field, and the first game to challenge...

标签: 电竞 星际争霸