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DNF众神之墓套装获取攻略 哈迪斯邀请函攻略

The tomb of the gods of DNF suit to obtain Raiders Hades invitation Raiders

2015-10-15 18:43:21来源: 科技讯

【科技讯】10月15日消息,《地下城与勇士》已经开启了一段时间,相信大家对这个活动已经不是特别的陌生,今天,小编就带大家仔细看一下这和活动到底有什么好处是你还没有得到的,一起来看一下吧。 01获得门票 -所有角色每天登录游戏即可获得3张【宙斯的邀请函】和3张【哈迪斯的邀请函】。 ...

[Francisco] on October 15, in the dungeons and warrior has opened a period of time, I believe that everyone on this activity is not particularly strange, today, Xiaobian will take you to take a closer look at this and activities and exactly what benefit is that you haven't obtained, look together. 01 to obtain tickets - all roles every log in the game can get 3 [Zeus invitation] and 3 [Hardee's invitation. ...

标签: DNF