新关注 > 信息聚合 > 团战突进分割战场 九阳神功手游英雄徐斩攻略

团战突进分割战场 九阳神功手游英雄徐斩攻略

Dart team battles segmentation battlefield Jiuyang fascinating skills around travel hero Xu cut Raiders

2015-10-13 12:11:22来源: 不凡游戏网


global kungfu MoBa Tour "Jiuyang fascinating skills around" Jianglong test carried out in the hot, players in the game experience the variety of heroes, the Three Kingdoms Guan Yu, Wukong of journey to the west, and the fairy tale Charng er sister, because of the difference of each player's style, Battlefield Heroes of a different location, so the appearance hero of the high rate of not much, before, we for the players introduced Xuanyuan freak wave with the goddess of the moon two damage effects of different but are biased.

标签: 手游