新关注 > 信息聚合 > 37游戏携手优酷土豆 共同打造《传奇霸业》定制剧

37游戏携手优酷土豆 共同打造《传奇霸业》定制剧

37 games hand in hand Youku potatoes together to create the legendary br "customize drama

2015-09-17 14:45:33来源: 新浪

9月17日消息,昨日由37游戏和优酷土豆联手打造的《传奇霸业》定制剧——《传奇酒馆》在北京美嘉欢乐影城三里屯店举办了隆重的首映礼。 《心理罪》的导演王伟携贾征宇、王泷正、王佳宇、戚蓝尹四位主演亮相本次首映礼。据主办方透漏,《传奇酒馆》将于9月17日在优酷全网正式上映,每周更新一集。...

9 month 17 days, yesterday from 37 games Youku and potatoes together to create the" dominance of legend "customize drama, the legendary tavern" in Beijing Monica joy studios, San Li Tun shop held a grand first reflects the ritual. "Psychological" crime of director Wang Weixie Jia Zhengyu, Wang Longzheng, Wang Jiayu, Yin Qi blue four starring at the premiere. According to the organizers said, "legend" will be officially released in the pub Youku whole network in September 17th, set a weekly update. ...

标签: 游戏