新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《新蜀门》25日公测 同名主题曲发布

《新蜀门》25日公测 同名主题曲发布

"" "25 beta theme song of the same name released Sina

2015-09-17 15:08:17来源: 新浪

《新蜀门》全新资料片“仙魔之战”将于本月25日开启公测,新服【凌烟】也将于同日开启。本次资料片将开放全新84级等级上限。720P的高清分辨率场景画质,流畅的游戏操作体系惊险的副本任务,专属的道具奖励……全面来袭!游戏同名主题曲试听版将同步公开。正式版近期上线,敬请期待…… 【主题曲席...

" new house "new piece of information" Fairy Magic war "will be on the 25th of this month open beta, the new service [the lingyange] will also be open on the same day. This information sheet will open a new 84 level upper limit. 720P HD resolution scene picture quality, smooth operation of the game, a thrilling copy of the task, exclusive props reward...... Comprehensive incoming! The theme song of the same name, the game version will sync open. Official version of the recent on-line, please look forward to...... Theme song...