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漂亮翻身 《实况足球2016》品质不俗获高分

A wonderful turn the football of what is actually happening 2016 "decent quality attains the high score

2015-09-17 16:08:38来源: 新浪

曾经我们说起足球游戏,都会想到《实况足球》和《FIFA》系列。然而近几年来,《实况足球》渐渐走下坡路,只剩FIFA一枝独秀。不过《实况足球2016》似乎决定重拾系列荣光,从目前公开的媒体评分来看,品质相当不俗。 《实况足球2016》已经在9月15日发售在各大平台,各位可以放心的玩了。...

once we start the football game, will think of the PES and FIFA series. However, in recent years, "football" gradually decline, only FIFA thriving. However, the "live football 2016" seems to determine the weight of the series, from the current public media score, the quality is quite good. "Live football 2016" has been released in September 15th in the major platform, you can rest assured that the play. ...