新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全系电竞大神齐聚!《英雄战迹》大牌主播陪玩!


The gaming God gathered! "War hero" anchor play major suit trace!

2015-08-25 05:00:52来源: 新浪

竞技手游《英雄战迹》现已开启不删档测试,Sky、海涛、笑笑、TED、囚徒、柚子等广大玩家熟悉的电竞明星都将齐聚在《英雄战迹》中秀出精妙的微操作,与玩家共同享受手机MOBA体验! 电竞大神真人秀>>>http://v.qq.com/page/q/r/5/q0162xhenr5.html...

athletics tour "war hero track" is now open test does not delete files, sky, waves, and smiled, Ted, prisoner, grapefruit the majority of players are familiar with the gaming star will gather in in the war hero track "show a subtle micro operation, with the players together to enjoy the phone MoBa experience! The God of reality show >>>http://v.qq.com/page/q/r/5/q0162xhenr5.html...

标签: 电竞 主播