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不止卡哇伊 网游《大国》可爱宝宝盘点

More than Kawaii online games "big" lovely baby inventory Sina

2015-08-17 11:54:30来源: 新浪

由冰川网络研发,迅雷游戏代理的无限流国战新游《大国》8月27日即将开启不限号测试,从上次测试以来,万人空巷人气居高不下,千人战场重现国战雄风。《大国》的“无限流”概念不仅仅体现在六国穿越题材上,更是体现在了数量众多、耐玩有趣玩法上面,千奇百怪的“珍兽”就是其一。 《大国》的各种珍兽有...

by glaciers network of R & D, thunder game agent an infinite stream of national war travelogue "big" August 27, is about to open is not limited number of tests, from the last test since, crowd pleasing popularity remains high, thousands of battlefield heavy current war glory. "Big" "unlimited flow" concept is not only reflected in six countries across the theme on, is reflected in the numerous, playable funny play, strange beasts "is one. "All the big beasts"...

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