新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL新版英雄:盖伦大招真实伤害 蝎子六水晶称王

LOL新版英雄:盖伦大招真实伤害 蝎子六水晶称王

Lol version of the hero: Galen ultimate true damage scorpion six Crystal King

2015-08-06 16:15:52来源: 东北网


before this, we to everyone introduced the new hero remakes of Connaught hands and metal master, believe everyone for their changes very satisfied. And small series also had to give the fist this bold attempt to point a praise, get rid of the dull traditional ideas, increase the number of things to play. This is no doubt a kind of care for casual players. According to Xiao Bian now get information, change Galen and scorpion didn't disappoint, very awesome, non...

标签: LOL