新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大话西游手游当康属性技能图鉴 当康怎么得

大话西游手游当康属性技能图鉴 当康怎么得

Westward Journey Mobile Games when spells of Kang as Kang how

2015-07-30 16:30:34来源: 4399

大话西游手游当康怎么得?大话西游手游当康技能介绍?有兽焉,其壮如豚而有牙,其名曰当康。其当康鸣自叫,见则天下大穰,是预兆丰收的瑞兽。一起来了解一下当康属性吧。 当康 获得途径捕捉 携带等级0转90级 固定场景大雁塔五层 加点推荐全功 宠物资质 气血初值40-145法力初值...

Westward Journey Mobile Games when Kang how? When the journey to the West Mobile Games Kang introduced skills? The animal behavior, as strong as the dolphin and teeth, when the name of kang. When the call from the Kang Ming, see the world big harvest auspicious omen rang, is. Come together and learn about the properties. When Kang received the way to capture the carry level 0 90 fixed scene of the big wild goose pagoda five layer add full power pet qualifications blood initial recommendation 40-145 mana of initial value...

标签: 手游 大话西游