新关注 > 信息聚合 > 竞技世界:棋牌游戏真正为老百姓带来极致体验


Competitive world: chess game real for the people to bring the ultimate experience

2015-07-29 19:32:34来源: 17173

2015年中国国际数码互动娱乐产业高峰论坛今天在上海隆重召开。竞技世界北京网络技术有限公司副总裁张廷松先生在论坛上发表了演讲。 各位朋友,下午好。接下来给大家分享一点干货,我今天演讲的主题是棋牌竞技快乐的源泉,为什么说是快乐的源泉?大家可能对棋牌应该是很熟悉的,咱们老百姓我自己觉得基...

2015 China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Industry Summit Forum held today in Shanghai. Competitive world Beijing Network Technology Co., Ltd. vice president, Mr. Zhang Tingsong delivered a speech at the forum. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Next to share a little dry. The topic of my speech today is source of competitive chess happy, why is the source of happiness? We may be very familiar with the chess game, we always feel the people of our own...

标签: 游戏