新关注 > 信息聚合 > 生化系列又稳居第一?最吓人游戏排名服不服


The biochemical series also ranked first? The most frightening game ranking service refused to accept

2015-07-29 21:13:57来源: 178游戏网

这么热的天儿,连鹌鹑蛋都能烤熟!所以这次来给大家散散热,介绍几款能让你冷汗淋淋的游戏。那到底有“有多吓人”?还是慢慢看简介吧。不过可以给大家提个醒,生化危机系列荣登榜首! 下面是完整的前10名单: 10. The Famicom Detective Club series(侦探俱乐部...

on such a hot day son, even quail eggs can be cooked! So this to everyone scattered radiation, introduce several can make you sweat dripping of the game. How about that in the end is it scary?. But I can give you a reminder, the Resident Evil series tops the list! Here is complete the top 10 list: 10. The Famicom detective Club Series (detective Club...

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