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新模式来袭 对战小品《双》新版本明日上架

New mode of incoming of war sketch "double," a new version of the tomorrow shelves

2015-07-29 18:52:46来源: 任玩堂

今年四月,苹果商店上架了一款双人对战小游戏 DUAL!《双》,让不少玩家回忆起以前玩掌机联机对战的岁月。近日,游戏的开发者 Sebastian Gosztyla 宣布游戏将于明天(7 月 30 日)上架新版本,还推出了新版本的游戏预告片,先来看一下吧! 本作是一款无法单独游玩的手机游戏...

in April this year, the apple store shelves a double to battle game dual! "Double", let a lot of players recalled previous play console online war years. Recently, the game's developer Gosztyla Sebastian announced that the game will be tomorrow (July 30th) on the new version, but also introduced a new version of the game trailer, look at the bar! This is a game that can not play alone...