新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网易CC将携平台顶级公会主播亮相2015ChinaJoy


Netease CC will bring platform top public will anchor debut is always game company out of tricks, competing Doo feast 2015ChinaJoy

2015-07-29 17:53:01来源: 电玩巴士

一年一度的ChinaJoy向来是游戏公司各出奇招、竞相斗艳的盛宴,在每年的7月底都会掀起一阵流行风潮。7月30日,2015 ChinaJoy即将在上海新国展博览中心开幕,作为ChinaJoy的重要参展厂商,今年网易旗下网络直播平台网易CC将携手平台顶级公会出征ChinaJoy热爱之地。作...

annual ChinaJoy. At the end of every year in July will set off a wave of popular unrest. July 30, 2015 ChinaJoy is at the Shanghai new international exhibition Expo Center opening, as ChinaJoy important exhibitors, this year, the Netease's network broadcast platform Netease CC will join the top platform of public will battle ChinaJoy love more. For...