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手游狂欢趴 应用宝手游节最强攻略祭出

Mobile games Carnival lie Bao Tour Festival strongest Raiders resorted to

2015-07-28 04:37:04来源: 新浪

火热仲夏,暑期不孤单,国内最大的安卓应用商店腾讯应用宝近日联手《花千骨》、《火柴人联盟》、《三国之刃》等近40款热门手游于推出了为期10天的“手游节”活动,狂送价值千万人民币的豪华游戏礼包、周边以及三星Galaxy S6等实物大奖,堪称暑期最强游戏福利。 应用宝“手游节”参与方式颇为...

fiery midsummer, summer is not alone, the domestic largest Android App Store Tencent Po recently teamed up to "spend thousands of bone", "match alliance", "three edge" nearly 40 popular mobile games to launch "travel day" activities for the period of 10 days, the mad send million yuan worth of luxury game packs, surrounding and Samsung Galaxy S6 and kind awards, called the strongest Summer Games welfare. Application treasure hand travel day to participate in the way...

标签: 手游