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大量周边 《侠客风云传》实体版完整展示

A lot around the knight Fengyun biography "entity version of the full display

2015-07-24 14:31:36来源: 新浪

十年夜雨,再战武林! 距《侠客风云传》正式发售还有最后4天,大家的小心脏是否越跳越激烈了?游戏简体中文版共分三个版本:标准版、豪华版、数字版。发售开启后,大家可前往官方商城进行购买。今日《侠客风云传》实体版合集内容全部亮相,各种精美周边将为大家带来足量惊喜与超值体验。 《侠客风云传...

decade rain, battles of martial arts. From" Chuan Knight Fengyun "officially on sale there last 4 days, everyone's heart is more jump fierce the? Simplified Chinese version of the game is divided into three versions: Standard Edition, a Deluxe Edition, digital edition. After the sale, we can go to the official mall to buy. Today the knight Fengyun biography "entities edition collection content to all appearances, a variety of exquisite surrounding the for everyone to bring enough surprise and value experience. "The knight came...