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魔卡幻想卡牌系统攻略 卡牌玩法解析

Mocha fantasy card card system Raiders card cards are played to resolve

2015-07-24 15:36:35来源: 4399

前面为大家介绍了各种系统玩法,接下来为大家介绍的是魔卡幻想卡牌玩法攻略,希望能够帮到新手玩家们~ 【生命值和攻击力】 每张卡牌都有自己的生命值和攻击力,在战斗中,攻击力决定卡牌在攻击时对敌方造成的伤害,而当生命值为零时,卡牌就会从战场进入墓地。 【技能】 每张卡牌最多有3个技能...

front to introduce the system of play, next to introduce is Mocha fantasy card card play the Raiders, hope to help novice players ~ life value and attack] each card has a self life value and attack force. In the battle, attack decision card in attack causing the enemy damage, and the value of life is zero, the card card will enter the graveyard from the battlefield. [skills] each card has a maximum of 3 skills...