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B社公布《辐射选辑》10月发售 含系列所有内容

B agency released the radiation album "sale in October with a series of all content

2015-07-24 12:28:58来源: 逗游网

为了让粉丝们更加期待在11月份发售的《辐射4(Fallout 4)》,开发商 Bethesda Softworks在雷神大会的大会上宣布了《辐射选辑(Fallout Anthology)》。 《辐射选辑》将包含系列所有的游戏,以49.99美金的售价作为限量版,一个迷你的核弹。因为是包...

to let the fans expect more on sale in November the radiation 4 (fallout 4)", developer Bethesda softworks in Thor conference conference announced the radiation fallout anthology album ". "Radiation." will contain all the Games in the series, with the price of 49.99 dollars as a limited edition, a mini nuke. Because it's a bag...