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DataEye HTML5游戏分析平台2.0版本即将问世

Analysis DataEye HTML5 gaming platform version 2.0 forthcoming Sina

2015-07-22 19:53:46来源: 新浪

今年移动游戏行业最大的热点无疑是HTML5移动游戏,虽然HTML5移动游戏行业仍然存在诸多不确定性,但伴随过去一年的发展,HTML5移动游戏确实已经初步形成规模,大批知名厂商开始试水HTML5移动游戏领域。 尽管发展前景可观,但目前整个HTML5移动游戏领域仍然存在诸多问题: 问...

this move of the gaming industry's largest hotspot is undoubtedly an HTML5 mobile game, while HTML5 mobile game industry still exists a lot of uncertainty, but with the development over the past year, HTML5 mobile game has indeed after the preliminary formation of scale, a large number of well-known manufacturers began testing HTML5 mobile gaming. Although the development prospects, but the entire HTML5 mobile gaming industry is still a lot of problems: q...

标签: 游戏