新关注 > 信息聚合 > 端游手游并驾齐驱 初窥艺游天下的精品化路线

端游手游并驾齐驱 初窥艺游天下的精品化路线

End tour tour to keep pace with peep of the art world tour fine line

2015-07-21 12:50:11来源: 电玩巴士

伴随着游戏用户的成长,尤其是80后逐渐成为社会的中坚力量,游戏也成为生活中不可或缺的一种娱乐方式。从端游到手游,游戏行业持续性的爆发增长,体现了用户对于游戏的需求也日渐成为一种刚需。 那么作为游戏公司,如何合理布局市场,应该以何等策略规划短期与长期发展,怎样为玩家打造更多精品游戏,也日...

with game user growth, especially after 80 gradually become the backbone of society, the game has become an integral part of life in a form of entertainment. From the end of the tour to the hand travel, the game industry continues to grow, reflecting the user's demand for the game is also increasingly becoming a just need. So as a game company, how to rational layout of the market, should be in the short term and long-term development strategy, how to create more quality games for players, but also on the day...

标签: 手游