新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首场电视游戏发布会曰:《我叫MT2》TV版8月公测


The first video game conference said: "my name is MT2" TV version 7 months August beta

2015-07-21 11:25:00来源: 和讯网

DoNews游戏7月21日消息(记者 孙永立)2015年,国内首次出现了一款电视游戏的专场发布会。小Y游戏20日宣布,其代理的《我叫MT2》TV版将于8月7日公测。 据小Y游戏总经理姜建伟介绍,《我叫MT2》TV版绝非简单移植,围绕TV版的各种投入高达2000万。与手游版相比,在玩法...

DoNews game 21 News (reporter Sun Yongli) in 2015, domestic first appeared in the special conference of a video game. Y small game 20 announced, the agency "I call MT2" TV version of the beta in August 7th. According to Jiang Jianwei, general manager of the small Y game, I call MT2 TV version is not a simple transplant, around the TV version of the various inputs up to 20000000. Compared with the hand travel version, in play...

标签: 游戏