新关注 > 信息聚合 > 花千骨手游人皇套装属性及获取途径详解


Spend thousands of bone hand visitors royal suite property and access way to explain

2015-07-09 12:37:20来源: 4399

人皇套装作为游戏中的三大终极套装之一威力也是十分不错的,下面带来人皇套装每个装备的获取途径介绍。还有花千骨手游人皇套装的性价比分析。一起来看看吧! 套装各个部件:人皇乾坤袍(护甲)+人皇乘龙靴(靴子)+人皇项链(项链)+国殇(武器)+人皇盖世帽(头盔)+人皇龙心佩(手镯)+人皇戒指(戒...

renhuang emperor set as in game three ultimate set of power is also very good, below that suits each equipped with access to the. And the cost analysis of a thousand bone hand visitors to the imperial suite. Together and see it! Set in various parts of: imperial robe of the universe (armor) + renhuang emperor Chenglong shoes (boots) + renhuang emperor Necklace (necklace) + Memorial (arms) + renhuang emperor matchless hat (helmet) + renhuang Emperor Dragon Xinpei (Department of Light Industrial Engineering) (bracelet) + that ring ring.

标签: 手游