新关注 > 信息聚合 > 数字消除手游《网格消除》将于7月9日上架


Digital elimination of hand tour of the mesh to eliminate "will be on July 9, shelves

2015-07-06 17:08:39来源: 和讯网

第1页数字消除手游《网格消除》将于7月9日上架 曾凭精品消除游戏《缤纷果冻人》(Stubies)获奖的游戏开发商 Creatiulab 近日宣布,将推出新作《网格消除》(The Mesh)。让我们一起来看看吧! 据悉,新作结合棋盘网格和消除元素,玩法与《小三传奇》有相似之处:玩家...

page 1 digital mobile games to eliminate the mesh to eliminate" will be on July 9 shelves had by boutique eliminate winning game "fun jelly" Stubies game developers Creatiulab recently announced, will launch a new "grid can eliminate" (the mesh). Let's take a look at it, it is learned that the new combination of board grid and elimination of elements, play with the little three legend has a similar place: players...

标签: 手游