新关注 > 信息聚合 > 四年磨一剑 CF战队灵魂人物年鹏

四年磨一剑 CF战队灵魂人物年鹏

Four years grinding sword CF clan soul in Peng

2015-07-06 15:23:15来源: 电玩巴士

在紧迫感日益加重的现代社会,无论哪个行业都更崇尚收购人才而不是培养,“买买买”往往是最常见的手段。CF圈里也不例外,每次大赛完毕各种换血层出不穷,但在其中就有这样一个东北小伙,笑看风云变幻我自恪守本心。 年鹏的CF生涯是从俗称的网吧五连坐开始的,那时刚刚兴起的百城联赛模式让许许多多年...

in the sense of urgency is increasing in modern society, no matter which industry are advocating more talent acquisition rather than cultivate, "buy buy buy" is often the most common means. Circle of CF is no exception, every time the competition finished all shake emerge in endlessly, but in which have such a small group in the northeast, laugh at changing my self with conscience. Peng CF years career started from the five even commonly known as Internet cafes, then just the rise of the city league mode allows many years...

标签: CF