新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这一次改变江湖 九阴玩家代言人计划起航

这一次改变江湖 九阴玩家代言人计划起航

This time change arena nine yins internationally ambassador program set sail

2015-07-06 15:55:30来源: 天极网

那年,功夫巨星李连杰宣布代言《九阴真经》,武林为之沸腾。这一次,你的江湖你做主。九阴真经“玩家代言人”计划起航,诚邀各位武林侠士为真武侠代言!这一次,用自己的行动改变江湖! 活动地址:http://9yin.woniu.com/static/act/201506/0617/index...

that year, kung fu star Jet Li announced his endorsement of "nine cloudy Daoist Scriptures" and martial arts to boiling. This time, you are the master of the lake. Jiuyin Zhenjing internationally spokesperson, plans to set sail, we invite all the martial arts Paladin endorsement for true martial arts. This time, with their own actions change the rivers and lakes! Activities address: http://9yin.woniu.com/static/act/201506/0617/index...

标签: 玩家