新关注 > 信息聚合 > 独家心得!玩转《龙纹三国》六星军团


Exclusive experience! Fun "dragon of the Three Kingdoms" Liuxing Legion

2015-06-26 14:05:11来源: 不凡游戏网

实况国战手游《龙纹三国》六星军团已于上周火热来袭!龙纹狗仔队今天结合多方资讯,为大家提供六星军团独家小道心得,下面就来一睹为快吧! 六星军团来袭 六星军团火热来袭!升级成功的军团从此人数上限扩大至45人,军团技能上限更是提升至13级!而且都不用转发本消息,就会自动在军团信息界面、军团...

live national war Tour "dragon of the Three Kingdoms" Liuxing Legion was hot last week struck! Dragon paparazzi today, combined with multi information, we provide the Legion Of Pentacles exclusive trail experience, below to see for fast! Six six star struck Legion Legion fiery strikes! Upgrade the number of successful Legion expanded to 45 people, the upper limit of the Legion skills is raised to 13! And do not have to forward the message, it will automatically in the Legion information interface, legion...