新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全民漂移《跑跑卡丁车手机版》7月安卓上线


National drift the kart mobile version of "July Android on-line

2015-06-26 14:05:11来源: 不凡游戏网

世纪天成正版授权、自主研发的《跑跑卡丁车手机版》自6月2日登陆APP Store以来,凭借对经典端游的完美继承和自身优质的游戏体验备受iOS玩家亲睐,而今,千呼万唤始出来,经过一段时间紧锣密鼓的优化和完善,游戏的安卓版本也将于7月正式上线,众多翘首以盼的安卓用户终于不用每天焦急地在社交平...

Tiancheng century licensed, independent research and development of the kart mobile version" since June 2, visit app store, with perfect inherited the classical end tour and its quality of the game experience prepared by IOS players Pro gaze. Now, the long-awaited, after a period of intense optimization and improvement, Android version of the game will also be formally launched in July, many eagerly to hope Android users finally need not everyday anxiously in social...

标签: 安卓