新关注 > 信息聚合 > 零售商预言《辐射4》销量或超前辈《上古卷轴5》


Retailers predict the radiation 4 "sales or super predecessor" the Elder Scrolls 5 "

2015-06-26 18:21:36来源: 逗游网

Bethesda工作室在E3展会上首次公布了《辐射4》之后,引得各方媒体关注。而今,英国主流游戏零售商GAME也来凑热闹,并表示本作将会是2015年度最具竞争性的3A大作,销量或赶超《上古卷轴5》。 这个结论是GAME根据以往的销售经验和目前的预售销量的情况为依据得出的。由从事销售统...

Bethesda studio in the E3 published for the first time the radiation after 4, attracted all the media attention. Now, British mainstream game retailer our company also laicourenao, and expressed the will is the year 2015 most competitive 3A for sales or catch up with and surpass the Elder Scrolls 5 ". This conclusion is based on previous sales experience and the current situation of the sale of the pre-sale is based on the GAME. By marketing system...