新关注 > 信息聚合 > XboxOne在日本严重水土不服:周销量百台


Xboxone in Japan severely agitated: week sales of hundreds of

2015-06-26 07:05:27来源: 中关村在线

微软游戏主机Xbox One自发布后斩获颇丰,但是唯独在日本却水土不服。据Unwire HK报道,日本游戏市场调查机构Media Create公开的最新数据显示,在6月8日至14日的一星期内,Xbox One的销量仅为100台,创下历史新低。 XboxOne在日本严重水土不服(图片来自...

of Microsoft game host Xbox one self released after appreciable gains, but except in Japan has acclimatized. According to a report in the HK Unwire, Japanese game market research firm media create open the latest data show that in June 8 to 14 days of a week, sales of Xbox one of only 100 units, a record low. XboxOne in Japan (the picture from the serious The climate does not suit one...

标签: Xbox