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全地图新手教学 如何致胜“乌蒙雄山”

The map teaching novice how winning Wumeng male mountain "

2015-06-25 20:20:49来源: 游久网

游戏内正在进行 “抢占乌蒙雄山 前三胜银币双倍”活动,新手玩家们驾驶着战车又该如何走位?让小编为新手玩家解析这张地图开局如何寻找自身定位。 【地图分析】 红色与绿色箭头为双方进攻方向,C区域为当前游戏内双方主要战场,重坦与反坦克歼击车交火于此。B区域为中坦牵制敌方地区,俯角优秀的...

game ongoing seize the male Wumeng Mountain before three wins silver double" activities, novice players driving his chariot and how to go? Let Xiaobian for novice players resolve this map start to find itself. [map of red and green arrow for both the direction of attack, area C for the game in both sides of the main battlefield, heavy tanks and anti tank destroyer fighting in this. The B area is the Tanzania lure the enemy area, great depression...