新关注 > 信息聚合 > 益智新游《大盗鼠:时不我待》年内推出 逗趣警匪..

益智新游《大盗鼠:时不我待》年内推出 逗趣警匪..

Educational travelogue "thieves in: time waits for no one" year launched funny gangster..

2015-06-25 19:16:54来源: 任玩堂

定于今年夏天在 PC 平台上推出的益智游戏 Rats: Time Is Running Out《大盗鼠:时不我待》,开发商 Citeremis 在近日表示本作将决定以平板专用的方式登陆iOS和安卓平台,同时并放出一段视频,一起来看看吧。 在游戏里,玩家要扮演大盗鼠去执行行动,而行动的目...

scheduled for this summer launched on the PC platform puzzle game Rats: time is running out "thieves in: time and tide wait for no man", the developers Citeremis recently said this will be decided in flat plate special way landing IOS and Android platform, and released a video. See it together. In the game, game player to play in the thief to perform action, and action...