新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《使命召唤12:黑色行动3》中文版将登陆次世代


"Call of duty 12: Black Ops 3" Chinese version will be landing the next generation of

2015-06-25 23:30:17来源: 逗游网

主营亚洲地区的零售商Play-Asia近日泄露了《使命召唤12:黑色行动3(Call of Duty: Black Ops 3)》的消息,本作将会有中文版本发布!之前就有谣言讨论了,现在既然有零售商主动公布消息,想必这个消息已经是从开发商那里获得确定的答案了。 本次公布的消息称,PC...

main recently leaked the call of duty 12: Black Ops 3 (call of Duty: Black Ops 3) "news, as will the Chinese version is released! Before there is a discussion of the rumors, now that there is the initiative of the retailer announced the news, presumably this news has been obtained from the developer to determine the answer. The announcement of the news, PC...