新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《英雄联盟》拳头公司暑假实习日程曝光


The League of legends, the fist company's summer internship program exposure Sina

2015-06-26 02:20:08来源: 新浪

依靠一款《英雄联盟》,Riot Games拳头公司已经一跃成为世界上最具影响力的游戏公司之一,自然而然的,就有很多年轻人期待到这家公司就业或实习。实际上,不分国内外,许多学生都选择在暑期实习,利用暑期时间来减轻课业压力、并与有兴趣的产业接轨,其中当然也包含了热门的游戏相关产业。日前一位美...

rely on a "hero alliance", riot games fist companies have jumped into the world's most influential game company, one of, naturally, there are a lot of young people look forward to the company or employment practice. Actually, at home and abroad, many students have chosen during the summer internship, use vacation time to relieve the pressure of schoolwork, and are interested in the industry standards, which of course includes the popular game related industries. A few days ago...

标签: 英雄联盟