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探索未知星球 海内外科幻网游现状盘点

Exploring the unknown planet at home and abroad science fiction online status inventory on planet earth humans

2015-06-24 18:31:12来源: 新浪

生活在地球这颗星球上的人类,从来不曾停止过对星空的探索,而既非科学家亦非宇航员的普罗大众,又能通过哪些方式“亲近”宇宙呢?我们可以搜罗出大批科幻电影,同样也有一些经典科幻网游深受玩家喜爱,这些经典大作有的仍处于上升期,有的则已前景不明。今天,小编就为大家盘点海内外科幻网游的运营现状。 ...

, never had stopped over exploration of the sky, and neither scientists nor the astronauts to the general public, and by what means "close" universe?? We can collect a large number of science fiction movies, as well as some of the classic sci-fi online game loved by players, these classic masterpiece some still in the rising period, others have unknown future. Today, a small series of science and science fiction online gaming operations status quo. ...

标签: 网游