新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《侦探扑灭》ED主题曲「kotonoha」公开试听


Public audition of detective fight ed theme song "kotonoha"

2021-02-18 23:24:29来源: 游戏时光

日本一放出了旗下侦探模拟冒险游戏《侦探扑灭》ED 主题曲「kotonoha」的试听片段。本曲由游戏中“涉谷侦探”的声优担当铃木杏所属的 VR 偶像组合「えのぐ」参与演唱。视频地址《侦探扑灭》预计将于 5 月 27 日登陆 PS4/Switch 平台。

Japan has released an audition clip of the ED theme song "kotonoha" of its detective simulation adventure game "detective fight". This song is sung by Suzuki's VR idol group "えのぐ", the voice actor of "Valley detective" in the game. The video address "detective fight" is expected to land on the PS4 / switch platform on May 27.