新关注 > 信息聚合 > 卡普空将于3月8日举办《怪物猎人》特别节目


Kapukong will hold a special show "Monster Hunter" on March 8

2021-02-19 11:07:21来源: 游戏时光

卡普空宣布,将于北京时间 3 月 8 日 22:00 点举办「《怪物猎人》特别节目」,届时将公布《怪物猎人 崛起》和《怪物猎人物语2 破灭之翼》的新情报。而在 3 月 9 日 22:00,卡普空会继续带来《怪物猎人 崛起》的实机演示,狩猎教学和制作人问答。

Kapukong announced that the "Monster Hunter" special program will be held at 22:00 on March 8, Beijing time. At that time, new information about "the rise of the monster hunter" and "the story of the monster hunter 2: Wings of destruction" will be released. At 22:00 on March 9, kapukong will continue to bring the real machine demonstration, hunting teaching and producer Q & A of "the rise of the monster hunter".

标签: 怪物猎人