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Japan comic awards 2021 nominations announced

2021-01-25 19:42:39来源: 游戏时光

近日,日本漫画大赏 2021 的 10 部入围作品已经选出。该评选的评审团均由日本漫画店店员与各界漫画爱好者组成,此次入围作品为 2020 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日期间发行的 8 卷以内的漫画作品(含电子书)。 之后,评审团会在这 10 部作品中进行第二轮评选,最后评出前三位。颁奖典礼预计在3月中旬至下旬举行。入围作品如下(排名不分先后):《我推的孩子》赤坂明、横枪萌果(【推しの子】)《女校之星》和山やま(【女の園の星】 )《怪兽8号》松本直也(【怪獣8号】)《去k歌吧!》和山やま(【カラオケ行こ!】)《九龙大众浪漫》眉月润(【九龍ジェネリックロマンス】)《SPY×FAMILY》远藤达哉《葬送的

&Recently, 10 short listed works of Japanese comic book awards 2021 have been selected. The judging panel is composed of Japanese comic shop assistants and comic lovers from all walks of life. The shortlisted works are comic works (including e-books) within 8 volumes published from January 1 to December 31, 2020. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; after that, the jury will conduct a second round of selection in these 10 works, and finally select the top three. The award ceremony is expected to be held from mid to late March. The shortlisted works are as follows (ranking in no particular order): "I push the child" Akasaka Ming, horizontal gun mengguo ([Tui しの]), women's school star and Yamamoto ([Nu の yuan の Xing]), monster No.8, Naoya Matsumoto ([strange No.8]), go to karaoke! 》Go with the mountain! 】)"The romance of the public in Kowloon" Mei yuerun ("Jiulong ジェネリックロンス)" spy × family "Yuan Fujita Ya's" the funeral "