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Criminal strategy game "evil empire" prologue and battle game intelligence announced

2021-01-25 14:23:24来源: 游戏时光

Paradox Interactive 与 Romero Games 联合开发的犯罪策略游戏《罪恶帝国》即将于 2 月 25 日发售 PS4/Switch 版,官方公布了本作更多黑帮领袖和游戏的玩法情报。黑帮首领约瑟夫·萨迪斯年幼时从奥匈帝国移居至美国,经过一段时期的艰辛童工生涯后,他走上了犯罪之路,谨慎狡猾的个性引导他来到了芝加哥,但即使如此他也没有舍弃吃苦耐劳的天性,成立帮派后开始追求人生中更加美好的事物。技能“猪突猛进”,可向前方猛冲,对路径上第一个接触到的敌人造成极大伤害并击退,路径上的其他敌人也将收到伤害和击退效果。玛姬·戴尔她出生于贫困的环境中,离开少年看管所后去了白城马戏团工作,因受到孩童时代的印象,她逐渐成长为一位冷漠而勇敢的女性。常年身处龙蛇混杂的马戏团的她,深深理解有钱能使鬼推磨的道理。技能

The crime strategy game "empire" jointly developed by Paradox Interactive and Romero games will be released on February 25 in PS4 / switch version, and more information about gang leaders and game playing methods will be officially released. Joseph sadis, the leader of gangs, immigrated to the United States from the Austro Hungarian Empire when he was young. After a period of hard working as a child laborer, he embarked on the road of crime. His cautious and cunning personality led him to Chicago. But even so, he did not give up his hard-working nature and began to pursue better things in his life after he founded a gang. The skill "pig sudden advance" can rush forward and cause great damage to the first enemy on the path and repel them. Other enemies on the path will also receive damage and repel effect. Maggie Dale was born in a poor environment. After leaving the Juvenile Care Center, she went to work in the White City circus. Because of her childhood impression, she gradually grew into a cold and brave woman. Living in a circus full of dragons and snakes all the year round, she deeply understands that money can make the devil push the mill. skill

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