新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《摇曳露营》大量周边发布,现已开启预售


"Swaying camp" has been released in a large number of surrounding areas, and now it is on pre-sale

2021-01-25 11:47:05来源: 游戏时光

Hobby Stock 在近日公布了一大票《摇曳露营》的周边,其中包括迷你色纸,B2 规格人物挂毯,卡包等众多商品,不仅有新品也有此前的人气限时商品再度销售。现已开放线上预订。传送门:点击此处。具体周边列表见下,本文价格均不包含税。新品《摇曳露营》色纸。每张 450 日元,一套 5400 日元(12 张):B2 尺寸挂毯,每张 3000 日元;亚克力立牌,每个 1500 日元:《摇曳露营》卡套,每个 900 日元;角色徽章,每个 273 日元: 透明文件夹套装,每个 800 日元; A4 尺寸透明文件夹,每个 400 日元:人气再贩商品餐具 + 收纳袋,3600 日元,预计 2021 年 3 月发售,售价 3600 日元;平底锅,5000 日元,预计 2021 年 3 月发货:“志摩凛”同款围巾

Recently, hobby stock & amp; nbsp; announced a large number of products around "swaying camp", including mini colored paper, B2 size character tapestry, card bag and many other products. Not only new products, but also previous popular limited time products are on sale again. Online booking is now open. Portal: click here. The specific peripheral list is shown below. The prices in this paper do not include tax. The new "swaying camping" color paper. 450 yen each, a set of 5400 yen (12 pieces): B2 size tapestry, 3000 yen each; acrylic card, 1500 yen each; swaying camping card set, 900 yen each; role badge, 273 yen each